Weekly Services
Sunday |
9:30 AMSunday School
SUNDAY SCHOOL is held at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings. Adult Sunday School is currently being held upstairs in a room off the main hallway. For Children and Youth, classes meet downstairs in the Next Generation Corridor. |
10:30 AMMorning Worship
Morning worship for the congregation as a whole, is held at 10:30 AM on Sunday Mornings in the Sanctuary. Sunday Morning Worship consists of 3-key elements of Christianity. 1. Worship of our Savior -- Psalm 95:6 2. An opportunity to learn more about Christ -- 2 Timothy 3:16 3. An invitation into His presence -- Hebrews 4:16 Once music is complete, children grades K-6, are dismissed to Children's Church to build their relationship with Christ through age appropriate learning. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to join us for Live Stream Service on our Facebook page. |
6:00 PMEvening Bible Study
Sunday Night Service is currently postponed, but will resume soon! |
Tuesday |
11:00 AMTuesday Morning Bible Study
Tuesday Morning Bible Study is for the whole congregation. We enjoy devotions, prayer, end fellowship. If you plan on attending, please bring a sack lunch as food is not provided! |
Wednesday |
5:45 PMWednesday Night Studies
Wednesday Evening Service for adults and children is currently postponed, but will resume soon! Next Gen classes (K-12) meet at 5:45. Students first enjoy a meal, before being dismissed to their age-appropriate classes. |