Oak Street Baptist Church
In early 1937, the First Baptist Church of Maryville decided to start a mission church in Bungalow. Interested citizens of the community pledged and collected money to buy materials to construct a church building on land donated for that purpose. The building was across the street on the opposite corner of Foch and Oak (currently Oakdale) Street. Church services were held in a brush arbor on Oak Street during the spring and summer of that year while men of the community constructed the building. On September 30, 1937, a meeting was held in the new building for the purpose of organization. Those present included a delegation from First Baptist Church of Maryville. In July of 1947, the parsonage was started, and men from the church helped build it. In 1953, a committee was formed to investigate the possibility of purchasing the old Bungalow School. At a public sale on the 27th of February 1954, the trustees bought the school and land for $5600.00. The school was used as our church for the next ten years. Plans were started in 1962, and the present building was completed and used for the first time in January 1964. The education addition was started and completed in 1978. The sanctuary of the church was renovated in 2011. Part of the pulpit in use today, was made from the pulpit used in the first little church. Some tables in use then are still being used today. The table in the vestibule was purchased used for $15.00 in 1947. Many of you and your parents were part of this church in the early years and have worked and served in many ways through the years to make this a church we can take pride in. Many are no longer with us, but their service to the Lord through this church is not forgotten.
How do I become a Member at Oak Street Baptist Church? There are three ways to join OSBC: By Baptism – making a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and following through with believers baptism By Church Letter – moving your membership from another Baptist Church By Statement – coming by way of statement from another church with like faith and baptism Paul described the church as being a body of Christ, with many parts, and one head, Christ. Like our human bodies, all of us have a specific function. The body cannot function well without an arm or a toe. Work cannot be done as easily if you're missing an arm, or a leg. Every part has its function, and do you. You have a function, or ministry, set aside for you here at Oak Street Baptist Church, that only you can fill. Their are some expectations from members of the church. To develop a personal prayer and Bible Study time. This is essential to your spiritual development and growth. To be active in attendance of the worship service, and Bible studies. Also, to find and develop your spiritual gift, and use that spiritual gift as a part of the worship and ministries of Oak Street Baptist Church. To be an active supporter of the church financially through your tithes and offerings, and to actively share your faith through personal witnessing to others of what Jesus Christ has done in your life.

If you have questions about becoming a member please call the church so we can get you in contact with the pastor. (865) 984-5070